Wrapping Your Mind Around The Cost Of Dental Implants: How To Create A Manageable Financial Timeline

Major dental work can put a major dent in your finances. Many people put off getting a dental implant because they feel they cannot afford to foot the bill associated with this type of dental procedure.

If you need to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant, here are some simple ways you can wrap your mind around the cost of an implant and begin to create a manageable financial timeline.

1. Begin saving for the bone graft first.

While the overall cost of an implant can be shocking, it is important for you to realize that the expense of replacing a missing tooth with an implant can be spread out over time. Before you can have an implant installed, you must have sufficient bone density to support the implant.

If your dentist has informed you that you require a bone graft or augmentation prior to the installation of your dental implant, this is good news for your budget. Since bone grafts require about four to eight months to heal properly before an implant can be placed, you will not be required to come up with the full cost of the implant at once.

You can pay for your bone graft, and spend the next four to eight months saving for the price of the implant itself.

2. Get creative when saving for your implant.

Once you have paid for your bone graft, you can begin brainstorming strategies to help you save for your dental implant. You should begin by contacting your dental insurance carrier to find out the extent of your coverage. This will allow you to determine exactly how much money you need to save up before your implant day arrives.

Here are some money saving tactics that will help you reach your dental savings goals without feeling too much stress:

  • Eat out less. Stopping by a fast-food joint or restaurant might seem easier when you are strapped for time, but these eating establishments can take a toll on your budget. By reducing the number of times you eat out by only 1 or 2 times per week, you can save $15–$25 per week. Put this money into a special savings account, and you will be on your way toward saving for an implant.  
  • Consolidate your loans. If you have loan payments, it might be beneficial to consider consolidating these loans into a single payment. Usually a consolidated payment is cheaper than the combined total of separate loans, so you can put the difference into a savings account for your dental implants. This is money you were already spending each month, so saving it up for dental work won't strain your budget.

Saving money for dental implants can seem like a daunting task, but it can actually be manageable when you take the time to create a financial timeline. Plan only for the cost of the bone graft initially, and then get creative when saving for the actual implant while your bone graft heals. This will help you save in small increments so your dental work doesn't drown your existing budget.
