If you are missing a tooth or are going to have a tooth removed in the near future, then you need to think about how exactly you are going to replace that tooth. If you are dealing with the loss of multiple teeth, then you have an even bigger reason to be concerned. Here are some things that you should consider when thinking about replacing your teeth:
How Quickly Should You Replace Your Teeth?
For a variety of reasons, you might not want to immediately deal with your missing teeth. For instance, you might be very uncomfortable with a dentist working in your mouth or you might not have the money to handle such a problem right now. However, it is incredibly important that you find some way to protect your mouth, even if the solution is only temporary.
What Are the Dangers of Missing Teeth?
Missing teeth allow a perfect avenue for bacteria and infections to penetrate your mouth. From there, they can easily enter your gums and the surrounding teeth, which can lead to a lot more pain and suffering the future. If other teeth are compromised, then you might even need to get them removed as well.
On top of that, missing teeth that are gone for too long may eventually heal over. While this may sound like a good thing, there are two potential problems that may arise. Firstly, this may trap some bacteria inside your gums, which could ultimately fester and lead to an abscess, which can be incredibly painful. Secondly, this could make tooth replacement more difficult if you eventually do change your mind and decide that you want an implant, bridge, or dentures.
So What Should You Do About Missing Teeth?
You should immediately consult your dentist to see what your options are. You don't necessarily need to commit to something as drastic as an implant yet. Your dentist might be able to help you out with something like a temporary crown while you wait for a more permanent solution.
In general, you have three permanent solutions to choose between. Implants will last you the longest, but will also cost you the most per tooth. Dentures are cheaper and are better for covering a large number of teeth, but they can be uncomfortable and do need to be taken out for maintenance. Bridges lie somewhere in the middle in terms of pricing, but have the additional requirement of needing healthy teeth on either side of the void in question.