Treating Your TMJ: Options You Should Know

When you suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder (also known as TMJ or TMD), you may wonder what options are available to you to help relieve the pain and discomfort in your jaw as well as the chronic headaches and other symptoms you may be suffering from. Before you give up and think that you will just always be in pain for the rest of your life, get to know some of the different types of treatments that are available to you for your TMJ. Once you know more about your treatment options, you can give them a try and see if you can get to feeling better as soon as possible. 

Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Medications

One of the primary treatments that a doctor will recommend that you try to treat your TMJ is through medications. The first line of defense is over-the-counter medications that relieve pain and inflammation, like ibuprofen. These can be used on a temporary, short-term basis to relieve pain and discomfort. However, long-term use could be problematic because the medications can eventually affect the stomach, liver, and kidneys.

If your pain is severe or does not respond to over-the-counter medications, your dentist or doctor may recommend and prescribe prescription anti-inflammatory medications or even prescription painkillers. These prescriptions are only used in certain circumstances, particularly painkillers because they may be habit forming.

Bite Guards or Splints

When a person has TMJ, they often grind their teeth at night which cause a great deal of their jaw pain as well as headaches. To help deal with this, your dentist may fit you with a bite guard (also known as a night guard) or splint.

These mouthpieces are designed to protect your teeth and prevent grinding when you sleep. They can also help keep your jaw stable so that you do not experience the jaw popping sensation while you sleep and will feel better when you wake up and go about your day.


If you are looking for alternative medicine options to help you with your TMJ, you can give acupuncture a try. In fact, you can use acupuncture to supplement your dental and medical treatments for your TMJ.

Acupuncture is a treatment that uses tiny needles inserted into specific points throughout the body to help stimulate the flow of energy throughout the body. In medical terms, acupuncture often triggers the nervous system into action as well as the flow of blood and hormones to specific parts of the body. There are acupuncture points along the jaw and face as well as along the back and neck that can be used to help with the pain and inflammation of your TMJ.

Now that you know a few of the treatment options available to you for your TMJ (such as those offered by Panther Hollow Dental Lodge), you can get started in the process and get to feeling better as soon as possible.
