What Should You Do After Dental Bridge Treatment To Keep Your Bridge In Good Condition?

If you need to replace one or more missing teeth, dental bridge treatment is a long-lasting and inexpensive option. A bridge is made of one or more crowns that are attached to the natural teeth adjacent to them. The natural teeth provide support and stability to the bridge, preventing it from shifting out of place while you're chewing.

Dental bridges are not only inexpensive compared to other dental restoration options, but they're easy to care for as well. If you're thinking about undergoing dental bridge treatment or have recently had one placed, read on to find out how you can best maintain it.

Floss Using a Floss Threader

Flossing is an important way to maintain good dental health, and it becomes even more important after your dental bridge treatment. There's a small gap between the bridge and your gums. Bits of food can become stuck in this area, and it's difficult to remove them using only a toothbrush. Flossing this small space prevents built-up food residue from allowing bacteria to grow and form plaque.

The best way to floss your bridge is by using a floss threader. They're inexpensive, and you can often find them in the pharmacy section of a grocery store. A floss threader is a rigid piece of plastic that you can attach any piece of floss to. The rigidity of the plastic makes it easier to push floss into the gap between your dental bridge and your gums, which allows you to use the length of floss in order to remove plaque and food residue from the space. In order to keep your dental bridge clean, it's important to floss it using a floss threader at least once a day.

Avoid Eating Food That Can Damage the Crowns or Your Natural Teeth

The crowns used to create a dental bridge are typically made of ceramic, which is very durable. This means that you typically don't need to alter your eating habits after having your dental bridge placed. In order to keep your bridge safe from damage, simply avoid eating anything that would be able to harm your natural teeth. This includes chewing on ice chips and eating hard candy.

Brush Your Teeth at Least Twice a Day to Remove Plaque from the Crowns

While the ceramic portion of the crowns in your bridge isn't vulnerable to tooth decay in the same way that your natural teeth are, it can still develop plaque buildup. This plaque can spread to the natural teeth adjacent to the crowns in your dental bridge, which can lead to cavities or gum disease. This means that regularly brushing the crowns in your bridge is important — it helps protect your gums and the rest of your teeth.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush, and don't neglect to brush your bridge. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush instead of a firm one helps to avoid accidentally scratching the ceramic surface of your replacement teeth.

As you can see, maintaining your dental hygiene after your dental bridge treatment is very similar to caring for your natural teeth. The biggest change is that you'll need to purchase floss threaders in order to make flossing between the bridge and your gums easier.
