Dental Applications to Correct a Chipped Tooth

You may inadvertently chip a tooth while biting down on a hard substance, such as hard candy or ice. Although the missing portion of the tooth does not grow back, the dental damage does not have to permanently affect your appearance or your ability to chew. There are multiple dental applications available to correct a chipped tooth. Here are a few of them. 

1. Dental Crowns

A crown is a hollow tooth-shaped device that surrounds the natural crown of the chipped tooth. The prosthetic device may be fashioned from metallic materials such as gold, silver, or stainless steel. They may also be made from tooth-colored materials, such as porcelain or resin. As a result, the crown-repaired tooth may look as though it was never chipped. In addition, since the crown encircles the tooth with structural support, the covered tooth is less likely to incur further damage.

To create the dental crown, the dentist makes an impression of the patient's mouth and sends the mold to a dental laboratory. The lab specialist uses the mold as a guide for the crown to ensure the device is customized for an individualized fit.  

2. Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is also a suitable treatment for a chipped tooth. However, rather than encircling the tooth, the veneer is applied only to the front surface of the damaged tooth. The dentist removes a bit of the enamel from the front of the chipped tooth and cements the veneer into place.

Like the crown, the veneer is tooth-shaped. However, it is a thin sliver of resin or porcelain designed to mimic the front portion of the tooth only, since that is the only area readily visible when a person speaks or smiles. To further ensure a natural look, the veneer can be colored to match the hue of the adjacent teeth. Since the chipped tooth is altered for the placement of the veneer, the corrective device is considered permanent. 

3. Dental Bonding

In some cases, if a chip is minor, a bit of dental bonding material may be enough to correct the damage. The resin-based bonding substance is applied in a pliable state. After the dentist molds the material to the chipped area, they harden it with a curing light. The dental professional can then shape the details of the material by filing off any excess before polishing the hardened substance.

If you have a chipped tooth, contact a local dentist to schedule an appointment.
